A birth doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, spiritual, practical and informational support to the birthing person and their partner before, during and after childbirth.

The word “doula” is a Greek word that loosely translates to "a woman caring for women”, “a woman who is close” or “helping woman”. It now refers to an experienced and trained person who offers physical, emotional, spiritual, practical and informational support to a pregnant person and their partner before, during and after childbirth.

I decided to become a doula, as I have always been deeply fascinated and in awe by the entire pregnancy and birth process. The creation of Life within the mother’s Womb, the many changes and stages of pregnancy, the power and flow of labor, the mother’s strength, the uniqueness of each birth, the inner knowledge and wisdom the Mother knows about her body and her baby, the many transformations that take place — all touch parts deeply within my heart and being.

As a doula, I understand and recognize that birth is a deeply spiritual, intimate and vulnerable experience — something that the mother and partner will remember all of their life. Feeling safe, supported and having your needs met throughout your birthing experience can profoundly enhance and positively influence your overal birthing experience (see Evidence Based Birth below). 

As your doula, I will provide continuous support prenatally, during the birth and in the postpartum period by:

During the prenatal appointments

  • getting to know you and your partner, your wishes and vision for your birthing experience, your values and needs, and therefore also being able to establish a trusting connection;

  • supporting you in the communication between you and your medical care team by (among things) creating a birth plan together;

  • encouraging you to make your own decisions while providing information and resources on where to find information;

  • listening, holding space, and providing emotional support so we can address and move through fears, doubts, anxieties together;

  • availability to contact me by text/phone/email throughout your entire pregnancy;

  • getting creative — each pregnancy and birth is different, therefore also the prenatal appointments;

  • getting to know you and your wishes will paint the picture of what we shall focus on during the prenatal appointments;

During the birthing experience

  • creating and maintaining calmness, and holding space for the mother to lead herself through her birthing experience;

  • tending to you and your partner’s needs;

  • providing comfort in ways that you desire, e.g. applying traditional techniques, doing breathing exercises, assisting in water therapy (shower/tub), applying gentle touch, massage and counter pressure, providing guidance, etc. (which I will share about during the prenatal sessions);

  • take photos and videos if desired;

  • being available 24/7 during the 'on call' period (from week 37);

  • providing continuous support to you and your partner throughout the birth, until a few hours after the baby is born;

During the postpartum period

  • two visits to connect, share, listen to your experience;

  • sharing the birth photos;

  • nourishing meals based on the principles of Chinese medicine to support postpartum recovery (meals can be frozen);

  • optional additional postpartum acupuncture support (see postnatal acupuncture).

Learn more about my birth doula services and how we can create a memorable birth for you together

“As a doula, I recognize that birth is a deeply transformative and spiritual experience that the mother will remember all her life. It is her birthing experience. By supporting the mother in the ways she needs, her birth can be an empowering and pleasurable experience.”

— Juliette Eleonora

Evidenced Based Birth research has shown that people who receive continuous support during childbirth experience:

  • 25% decrease in the risk of Cesarean; the largest effect was seen with a doula (39% decrease)*

  • 8% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth; the largest effect was seen with a doula (15% increase)*

  • 10% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief; the type of person providing continuous support did not make a difference

  • Shorter labors by 41 minutes on average; there is no data on if the type of person providing continuous support makes a difference

  • 38% decrease in the baby’s risk of a low five minute Apgar score; there is no data on if the type of person providing continuous support makes a difference

  • 31% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience; mothers’ risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience was reduced with continuous support provided by a doula or someone in their social network (family or friend), but not hospital staff

It is important to choose a doula who you feel safe and connected with, who you trust, and someone who supports you in the way that you need. To be able to get to know me better as your doula, you can contact me for an intake appointment. During that first meeting, you will be able to ask me any questions and it will be a safe space in which we will be able to get to know each other better. I look forward to connecting with you!