General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions govern all quotations, offers, activities, orders, agreements, and deliveries related to Essence of Juji's services and products.

Deviations from these conditions are only valid if explicitly agreed upon in writing.

Any supplementary or conflicting terms from the Customer or third parties are expressly excluded.These general terms and conditions apply to all services and agreements of Essence of Juji, practice located at Eerste Laurierdwarsstraat 2, 1016 PV, Amsterdam, hereafter referred to as ‘the Practice’.

General Information

Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Moxibustion) and Birth Doula services fall under Complementary Medicine in the Netherlands. They do not replace conventional medical care.

The content of this website is for general informational purposes only. No rights can be derived from the information provided. You are responsible for assessing the relevance of the information for your own situation and for any actions you take regarding your health.

The owner of this website is not liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from:

  • The use of the website/webpage and its content, changes to, or unavailability of the website and its content;

  • The use of hyperlinks to third-party websites and their content, or the unavailability of such hyperlinks.


In accordance with the Dutch Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO), we are required to maintain a medical record. We handle your personal and medical information with the utmost care, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to protect your privacy. We will not share your data with third parties without your prior consent.

For more information, please refer to our privacy policy under ‘GDPR’.

Appointments and Treatments

Appointments can be made via email or telephone.

Appointments are personal and cannot be transferred to another person without prior consultation with the practitioner.

The Practice reserves the right to cancel or reschedule an appointment at any time if deemed necessary.

Birth Doula Services

Essence of Juji offers birth doula services to support you during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. These services include continuous physical and emotional support, guidance on labor techniques, and assistance with communication with healthcare providers.

  • Scope of Services: Birth doula services are complementary and supportive, not medical. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice or care.

  • Client Responsibilities: Clients are expected to provide complete and accurate information about their pregnancy and any medical conditions or complications. It is also important to keep us informed about any changes in your birth plan.

  • Emergency Situations: In emergency situations, doula support may be limited, and medical professionals should be contacted immediately.

Payment Terms and Billing

An invoice will be provided for the services rendered.

Payment must be made at the end of the consultation unless otherwise agreed.

Payment can be made by card, payment request, or cash (exact amount).

For online consultations, a payment link will be sent before the consultation, and payment must be completed before the consultation begins.

Cancellation and No-Show Policy

Appointments must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance; otherwise, the full consultation fee will be charged.

Cancellations or rescheduling of appointments can be made by phone or email, not via WhatsApp, SMS, DM, etc. Do not leave messages on voicemail. If there is no answer, please send an email to

If you fail to attend an appointment without prior notice, a No-Show fee equivalent to the consultation price will be charged.


We take our role as practitioners seriously. We will not perform actions that conflict with professional ethical standards or the codes of conduct of our professional associations.

We value personal hygiene and ask that you observe this.

House Rules

Eating or drinking other than water is not permitted in the practice, both for patients and visitors. Exceptions are made for babies, who are allowed to have breast milk or formula.

Mobile phones are asked to be turned off or set to airplane mode.

Photography or other audio or visual recordings are not permitted in the practice.

We ask that you attend your appointment alone if possible.

Health Insurance

The treatment methods used by Essence of Juji generally fall under Complementary or Alternative Medicine. These may be partially reimbursed by supplementary health insurance. It is your responsibility to check with your health insurance provider about coverage and reimbursement amounts. You must submit the invoice to your insurance company yourself.


The Practice accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of our services, unless due to intentional negligence.

Patients are responsible for providing complete and accurate medical information and following any treatment advice.

The diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed with you before treatment. If you have any objections to certain treatments, please express them before the treatment begins. While we strive to address your concerns, we cannot guarantee a cure or improvement.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights related to materials and information provided by the Practice remain the property of the Practice.

The copyright for the website/webpages rests with the website owner, unless otherwise indicated. You may download or print content for personal use. Reusing or commercially exploiting any part of the content is expressly prohibited. Unauthorized or improper use of the webpage or its content may infringe intellectual property rights and/or violate laws and regulations.


The Practice reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Revised terms are effective from the moment of publication on the Practice’s website.

By using the services of Essence of Juji, you agree to these General Terms and Conditions.

[Revised 08/08/24]